Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Quiz: What are your perspectives?

    1. Principles of Fiduciary Duty: Introduction

    2. Stewardship Principles

    3. Quiz - Stewardship Principles

    1. Lesson 1: Regulatory Environment

    2. Quiz: The Regulatory Environment

    3. Lesson 2: Legal Considerations

    4. Quiz: Legal Considerations

    5. Lesson 3: Managing Risk & Ensuring Excellence

    6. Quiz: Managing Risk & Ensuring Excellence


    1. Introduction

    2. Governance

    3. Quiz: Governance

    4. Administration - Segment 1

    5. Administration - Segment 2 TPRM

    6. Quiz: Administration

    7. Investments

    8. Quiz: Investments

    9. Controls

    10. Quiz: Controls

    1. Introduction

    2. Scope and Practices

    3. Quiz: Cybersecurity

    1. Introduction

    2. Compliance and Ratings

    3. Quiz: Assessments

About this Program

  • $375.00
  • 2.1 hours of content
  • Stop and return

Benefits of Attending

Participants in this training course will examine a set of standardized steps for fiduciaries that were developed by an industry task force, with guidelines on how to adopt them in actual practice.

After taking this training course, our clients have realized a major gain in the performance of their retirement plans because they are able to translate the concepts of fiduciary duty into action.

The program is self-paced and perfect if you are new to the fiduciary role or if you need to be updated on the latest changes coming from the U.S. Department of Labor.

  • Sets a solid foundation for doing the right things the right way

  • Clarifies ERISA’s murky rules on fiduciary duty

  • Introduces a measuring stick to track ongoing improvements in a retirement plan’s management

  • Develops awareness of the most sensitive fiduciary issues and how to handle them

  • Reveals what to expect from an ERISA plan’s vendors

Sharpen your skills

This program will help you feel more confident while serving as a retirement plan fiduciary.

It accomplishes that by eliminating popular myths about serving on an administrative or investment committee.

A certificate of completion will provide evidence of your diligence in acquiring the unique skills required by federal pension law.